Couples Costume for Halloween – Bonnie and Clyde

It seems like the summer just whizzed by this year! With October almost upon us I thought it might be fun to explore some costume ideas that you can get ready for all those fun Halloween parties that the fall brings.

Bonnie and Clyde are by far the most famous of the American Gangster/Moll couples. Known for their robberies during the “public-enemy era” of the 1930’s the two traveled the midwest together with their gun-toating gang. The two were eventually ambushed and killed in the south after committing more than 100 robberies and killing more than a dozen people. Their larger-than-life public appeal was cemented when Fay Dunaway and Warren Beatty portrayed the two in Arthur Penn’s 1960’s film. Below Dunaway and Beatty are on the left and the real Bonnie and Clyde are on the lower right.

Bonnie and Clyde Costume for Halloween

This outfit is fairly simple to assemble. For Bonnie, a skirt that hits your leg at mid-calf but hugs your hips, a fitted sweater, scarf, beret and a cute pair of vintage looking shoes. For Clyde a well tailored suit in gay or brown, patterned tie, fedora, and brown shoes. Both should get fake guns, you can find those at your local halloween store or online. Have fun and rock that 1930’s gangsta style.